Computer-controlled Atlas Therapy as a new way of Spine Therapy

The first cervical vertebra, also known as Atlas, is one of the most sensitive spots in the human body. Being the “center of the spine”, it is a critical starting point in the manual therapy for all spine diseases and holistic medicine (osteopathy, atlas therapy).

The Khan Kinetic Therapy (KKT) is a non-invasive and gentle procedure, which restores the static balance of the entire spine by adjusting a specifically targeted Atlas-misalignment. This therapy also empowers the self-healing mechanisms of the body via the position of individual vertebral bodies and the reaction in muscle chains. The KKT is in fact not considered an actual therapy for alleviating certain symptoms but instead is an innovative, useful and gentle therapeutic approach included within an overall concept of holistic therapy.

KKT can help people with:

  • Headache, neck pain, chronic tension
  • Tinnitus, dizziness, migraines
  • Scoliosis, structure defect in children
  • Acute disc prolapse, chronic back pain
  • Cranimandibular dysfunction

In 2006, we were the first in Europe to install a therapeutic unit in our practice and since the beginning of 2016 we are using the newest appliance technology.

Practice for posture- and movement-diagnostics, functional orthopaedics and prevention

Handschuhsheimer Landstraße 11 | 69221 Dossenheim/Germany | phone +49 62 21 – 8 72 72 50

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